Be A Sponge

Recently, I kicked off a session by inviting everyone to describe how they related to a sponge.

And here’s what they shared:

  • “When I’m being this, I realize I can learn from anybody, soaking up the gold that’s mine to receive.”
  • “I’m reminded not to be too hard on myself.”
  • “A sponge can absorb, but sometimes you have to squeeze out what’s there already to make space for more.”
  • “Opening up… letting go of fear and being willing to receive.”

These powerful reflections remind us of the ability we have to create our experiences.

As a sponge, we choose to absorb new ideas, insights, and perspectives. But here’s the key: a sponge doesn’t just soak things up – it also releases when it’s squeezed.

In the same way, I encourage you not only to take in what resonates with you but also to actively engage, question, and express your thoughts in your next meeting. There’s a unique power in bringing our highest and most open listening to a space – a presence that goes beyond just hearing words.

Invitation for today: Share a comment if this resonates with you or share your reflections below.

Are you ready to be a sponge – to absorb, engage, and release?

Remember, the most powerful way to live is to inspire or move someone to live better. So, if you’ve found a piece of your journey in these words and you want to know more about my journey, I invite you to join me further. Let’s continue the conversation. You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel and grab your free copy of “Dare to Be You” eBook here.

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