Expresso Sessions

Expresso Sessions by Coach Farah

Browse a few of our expression sessions we designed especially for each business solution.

  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Leadership Development
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Cultural Intelligence
  • Women In Leadership

Personal Effectiveness

Creating my Vision - my P.A.T.H

Develop a PATH for the future by putting purpose into action Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope.

Communicating with Impact

Develop engaging communication techniques and styles for personal and team impact.

Delivering Memorable Presentations

Inspire your audience by transforming information into compelling and memorable presentations.

Handling Difficult Conversations

Discover skills for communicating when the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.

Maximising Your Potential

Discover your thinking & communication preferences and learn adaptation strategies improve performance and results.

Power of Me

Build emotional intelligence needed to enhance focus, self-awareness and resilience.

Handling Difficult Conversations

Discover skills for communicating when the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.

Maximising Your Potential

Discover your thinking & communication preferences and learn adaptation strategies improve performance and results.

Be Your Best Self

This program is based on the belief that “if we own the story, we can write the ending.”

International Business Etiquette

Acquire the polish of a knowledgeable, world-class executive including dining etiquette

Fail Gloriously

Would you like to flip your mindset from avoiding failure to embracing it? Step outside your comfort zone in a loving way.

Diversity & Inclusion

Unearthing Unconscious Bias

Explore how bias can show up in day-to-day decision-making at work

Ignite Inclusion

Discover the conscious techniques and skills to be inclusive.

Fostering a Gender Inclusive Workplace

Shift prevailing mind-sets, attitudes and behaviours to foster a gender-inclusive workplace

Leveraging Diversity

Explore the value of diversity, how you deal with difference and how it can impact team work and success.

Working with Generations

Create awareness about the thought process, motivators, strengths, expectations of different generations

Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity

Explore what it takes to be effective globally and gain insights into cultural values, the ways in which your global clients work.

Cross Cultural Communication

Learn to manage the expectations of your global clients and gain insights into the various communication patterns across the world.

Country Specific Briefings

These sessions provide more in-depth information and strategies on specific countries.

One Powerful Conversation can change your life!

If you’re ready to leap into a level of success that fulfils you , let’s connect today.